Sunday, October 21, 2007

Oscar is Amazed and Humbled by the Online Community

Never in Oscar's wildest dreams did he imagine that a modest post about a string quartet he really liked would be picked up by a member of that actual group, from halfway around the world!
Oscar has enough trouble remembering to look at obvious websites to find information. He's very impressed by people who manage to find references as soon as they're posted. Some people are not only fabulously musically talented, but also very tech savvy.
But to #7 with RSS feeders. Oscar has set up some feeds on Google reader but doesn't think he'll use it much, as it's much clunkier than the Firefox reader Oscar has been using for over a year now. With Firefox, there's no signing in (and those dratted passwords!), and it's just a "drag and drop" to load the site, plus a mouse click for a dropdown list of the latest news.
Oscar doesn't know why an RSS feed would be useful on his blog, but he's added a link to the Goldberg Variations from the Mutopia feed.

And it's raining today - Hooray!


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

It just goes to show the power of social networking!!

elephants parading said...

Wonderful your Ethel post reached them or rather they found you. RSS feeds can be far reaching.